A mode of action (MoA) describes a functional or anatomical change of a living organism while being exposed to a substance. A MoA is considered to take place only on a cellular level, in comparison to a mechanism of action (MOA), which takes place on the molecular level.
When Should MoA Animation Be Used?
Explaining the complicated processes of a MoA can be challenging when you are targeting an audience unfamiliar with scientific terminology. Using an animated video to present the MoA is an efficient way for life-science, pharmaceutical, and healthcare companies to explain how a drug or device interacts with a living organism.
The MoA animation videos can be successfully used to educate present or potential clients about how a drug or device interacts with a living organism. It is a great tool to make an investor pitch more attractive, comprehendible, and engaging.
Well-produced MoA animation videos combine powerful graphics, voice-overs, on-screen text, and other visual aids to convey the message in a way that is engaging, impactful, and understandable.
Typically, these videos are produced by specialized communication agencies who are experts in science and visual art, such as Hyperfine Studios.
Why Should You Use MoA Animation?
MoA animation videos have been proven to be a successful marketing tool. With MoA animations, your audience will understand your product effortlessly. Marketing professionals worldwide agree these videos are essential to increase ROI (Return of Investment).
Including MoA video animation on your website can be beneficial for several reasons. One straightforward reason is that on most websites, visitors tend to prefer watching a video over reading a long text description or recent scientific publications. The video can contain the answers to your FAQ while helping your audience understand your product when you are not available.
A well-produced MoA must include compelling storytelling to be engaging and comprehensive. It not only explains your product in a scientifically correct and understandable way but also engages your client in a way no other media can.
Types of MoA animations
There are several different types of animations that can be used for MoA animation. Choosing which type to use depends upon the content, budget and how much time is given to create the animation.
White Board Animation is typically produced using hand-drawn animations displayed across a white background that mimics the appearance of somebody drawing on a whiteboard. This type of animation pairs well will voice-over narration to explain concepts in a clear and concise manner. However, the animations are often not visually appealing and can lose the attention of the viewer.
2D Animation uses simple two-dimensional animations to explain concepts and processes. These animations are produced digitally in a time-effective manner. This type of animation is great to use when an explainer video is needed in a short period of time. However, 2D animations can only contain a certain amount of depth, so complex concepts can be difficult to portray in this form.
3D animation is the most popular type of explainer video. They are digitally created by animating three-dimensional images to accurately depict how a complex process takes place. This type of animation is visually appealing and can grasp an audience’s attention. However, these videos can be more expensive to produce, and production can be time-consuming.
Do you want to learn more or discuss your next MoA animation project? Please contact us.