Advanced and complicated ideas are often difficult to explain
As a working professional, it’s common to face situations where you must explain your scientifically or technologically advanced products, ideas, or concepts to laypeople. When pitching to investors, presenting to the clients, or educating sales representatives, an explainer or mode of action video can help get your point across. No matter how well-rehearsed and skillfully delivered a presentation is, advanced and complicated ideas are often difficult to explain in a short amount of time. That is where a thoroughly prepared visual aid can be of immense help and facilitate the explanation process
Explainer or mode of action videos are popular methods companies use when comprehensively explaining their technology. These visual aids can explain products, concepts, or ideas while addressing frequently asked questions in an easy and visually attractive way. Using an explainer or mode of action video can also be an excellent way to build interest and promote the product or concept to stay ahead of competitors.
Possible scenarios
To produce a video or animation to include in your presentation, you can contact the communication agency you already work with if they offer these services. There is also the option of contacting a highly rated or recommended animation and video production company near you or online. However, with either option, you are likely to face having to explain your advanced and complex technology to a person without scientific or engineering training. Although it may be possible to walk them through it, this can be time-consuming and prolong your project.
Attractive alternative and its benefits
An attractive alternative to working with these agencies is hiring an animation and video production company that specializes in science, engineering, and education productions. Doing so can drastically ease communication, speed up the process, and increase the chances of your final visual aid product successfully getting your message across. Specialized agencies have experts trained in science, technology, and visual arts. Together you can create a tailor-made video that is scientifically correct, easy to understand, and visually appealing.
Since these experts are passionate about their fields, they are up to date on the latest technology, animation, and video production trends. They can grasp advanced science and technology solutions faster and perform their own research to understand the video’s topic better if necessary.
The production team at Hyperfine Studios consists of PhDs in science and technology and experts in visual arts. If you want to learn more about us, contact us today for a free consultation.